Friday, September 23, 2011

Asbestos Poisoning

Asbestos poisoning can cause a relatively rare cancer called mesothelioma. The disease can be caused by exposure to asbestos directly or indirectly, and claims can sometimes exceed tens of millions of dollars  significantly. Blue asbestos are found more likely to cause mesothelioma than chrysotile asbestos fibers for long and thin blue asbestos. However, the smallest particles of asbestos can be more dangerous than the fact...
Monday, September 19, 2011

10 Amazing Places In The World

 Ten places below are the most extreme places on earth. Starting from Venezuela, Russia and even the middle east, all these places have their advantages and features second to none. Angels Falls (Venezuela): 3230 feet Highest Waterfall  The first is Angel Falls (Salto Ángel). Waterfalls in Venezuela is the world's highest waterfall. 3230 high waterfall (984 m) located on a tributary of Rio Caroni. The waterfall is...
Friday, September 16, 2011

"Thanks to Indonesia" in Jakarta Japan Matsuri 2011

  Building on friendship since 50 years ago, Jak-Japan Matsuri held with the aim to enlarge and strengthen the bonds of friendship that can survive the changing times, this year entered the  3rd   celebration of the Jakarta Japan Matsuri . In the midst of a very rapidly changing times, circumstances surrounding the relationship between Indonesia and Japan had changed a lot. To continue the friendship, we work closely...
Monday, August 29, 2011

Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego

Understand how to choose a lawyer for this disease, you should first understand the basics of the disease. In the simplest sense, mesothelioma is a cancer of the protective layers of the body cavities, known as the mesothelium. These tissues have different names depending on the organs they protect. You have probably heard of the peritoneum–this is the covering around the stomach and intestines. Other organs and cavities have their own membranes as well. Mesothelioma is a cancer of these tissues. They often do not...
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Human Barbie

The original name of this girl she went to Shenzen wangjiayun china ... it was rumored she was in makeup in by her boyfriend so so much like the same sex doll she circulated on the internet and made many people wonder whether he was a girl or just a beautiful doll. Chia-Yun has been a primary focus on South Korea to top search rankings, because he posts a beautiful picture on his blog, and she was described as a "dream doll"...
Sunday, August 21, 2011

10 People who have a strange and unique abilities

1. Man with the Incredible Brain (Daniel Tammet) Daniel Paul Tammet is a British man gifted with extraordinary abilities in mathematical computation, memory, and language learning. He was born with congenital epilepsy. He says each number up to 10,000 each - each have a 'taste and shape' is unique, so he can 'feel' whether a figure is included major figures or a mixture. For example, he says that the number 289 is an ugly number,...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

9 Health The Misleading Myths

We hear a lot of health information circulating by word of mouth in the community. We take it as truth because almost everyone believed it. In fact, some of the myths that are not supported by scientific truth. Here are nine of them. 1. Reading in the dark ruin your eyes Have you ever been advised not to read in the dark because it can damage the eye? Reading in the dark will only tiring eyes but does not damage our eyes. 2. The heart is on the left chest Almost everyone when asked where the heart it will...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How To Make Energy Saving Mode On Blogs With CSS3

assalamualaikum buddy, how are you all .. sorry if this blog is rarely updated .. : D god willing, I will now continue to update it, this time I discussed about the blog posting again ni, ie How to make energy saving mode on his blog, which as illustrated in my blog, energy saving mode is made with CSS so it will not burden the blog .. okay.. I wrote just follow the steps below .. : D Login to the blog buddies. Select the...
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