Researchers from Bristol University studied how memory and attention in influencing appetite.
They asked one group of participants to eat at lunchtime with nine different menus while playing solitaire on the front komputer.Kelompok both given the same food but without solitaire.
Apparently, after being prompted, a group that played solitaire feel less full. Its impact lasts longer, up to a half hour later the participants who ate chocolate biscuits playing solitaire take twice as much compared to participants who did not play the game.
At the end of the test, the participants who play the game proved more difficult to remember the order of snacks they eat. The scientists said their findings suggest that disturbances such as playing games could lead to increasing the number of meals throughout the day and could have significant impact on obesity.
Study leader, Dr Jeff Brunstrom g says "when people think about memory, they think about remembering shopping lists and names of people and things like that." "The reality of memory help us without even thinking. Memory helps us remember how to walk into the workplace. We try to estimate that it also affects appetite." Previous studies noted the same effect in people who eat while watching television.
wahh.. it is nice info friend.. :)
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