Asbestos Poisoning

Friday, September 23, 2011

Asbestos-PoisoningAsbestos poisoning can cause a relatively rare cancer called mesothelioma. The disease can be caused by exposure to asbestos directly or indirectly, and claims can sometimes exceed tens of millions of dollars

Blue asbestos are found more likely to cause mesothelioma than chrysotile asbestos fibers for long and thin blue asbestos. However, the smallest particles of asbestos can be more dangerous than the fact that the larger the smaller particles can remain airborne for a long time.

Asbestos can cause other diseases such as mesothelioma, including lung cancer and kidney, and other pulmonary diseases. Asbestos has been recognized as a health risk from about 1900, but asbestos and mesothelioma has only officially linked since 1960. Those who live near the natural asbestos and other natural minerals such as found to have an increased risk of mesothelioma.

Some people only briefly exposed to small amounts of asbestos develop mesothelioma, and others are a large number of asbestos for a long time, no. One study showed that the incidence of mesothelioma 300 times more workers with asbestos insulation, compared with the total population. Asbestos can cause changes to DNA in cells, or even increase the likelihood that you will get the alien DNA in cells. Asbestos can also reduce the effectiveness of the immune system.

Mesothelioma caused by asbestos poisoning rare. The incidence of mesothelioma is highest in the UK, Australia and Belgium, but even in those countries (which has about twice the frequency compared with the United States, where about 2,000 new cases diagnosed each year), the incident is still one-thirtieth of lung cancer lungs. These figures would not be appropriate, because diseases such as mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed
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Jafra said...

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Cerita dan Ilmu said...

Usually we are Indonesia people use asbestos for roof of our home. Very nice article, so now I know that asbestos can cause some of illness

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Anonymous said...

Nice Share

Outing di Bandung said...

untuk info seputar paket Outing di Bandung yang murah tapi ga murahan ya jagonya :)

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